Personalize treatment of the cause not the symptoms
Display tumour antigen & activate Cytotoxic T cells
Cytotoxic T cells kill cancer cells
In this treatment, Dendritic cells are harvested from a person’s blood or bone marrow to “arm” them with tumor-specific antigens that guide them to destroy the relevant cancer cells.
Heterogeneous population of a mixed T-NK cells
TCR is functionally active but not involved in tumour recognition
Multiple mechanism in killing cancers, i.e., MHC-unrestricted manner or restricted killing.
Cytokine-induced killer cells are a heterogeneous population of a mixed T-NK cells.
Antigen-specific loaded DC inhibits the metastasis/recurrence of solid cancers
CIK cells directly kill tumor cells with multiple approaches
Proved safer & more effective therapeutic on advanced solid carcinoma